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Kuva India7 -verkosta (Flickr).
SuperUser-lukija yoyo_fun haluaa tietää, onko nimi- ja verkkotunnusten hakutulosten välillä eroa:
I have seen the terms “name server” and “domain name” both being used, but I am not sure if there is a difference between them or not. Can someone please explain the difference if there is one?
Onko eroa nimipalvelimen ja verkkotunnusten hakutulosten välillä?
SuperUser-avustaja DavidPostilla on meille vastaus:
Is there a difference between name server and domain name search results?
A “name server” lookup retrieves the IP address associated with a domain name. A “domain name” lookup, also referred to as whois, retrieves the domain’s registration data (the domain owner’s details).
How Do I Perform a Name Server Lookup?
Online using a variety of name server lookup services
On Windows use nslookup
On Unix use dig
Example Output (Source: https://ping.eu/nslookup/):
How Do I Perform a Domain Name Lookup?
Online using a variety of domain name lookup services
On Unix use whois
Example Output (Source: https://whois.domaintools.com/google.com):
Further Reading
How do I find the authoritative name-server for a domain name? [StackOverflow]
Domain Name System [Wikipedia]
10 Linux DIG Command Examples for DNS Lookup [The Geek Stuff]
nslookup – Look up IP addresses on a Name Server
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