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SuperUser-lukija Peter haluaa tietää, onko vanha osoiterivin verkkosivusto-ehdotus mahdollista saada takaisin Firefox 43:
With the newest update to Firefox, the first suggested link is only a ‘general’ domain. In older versions of Firefox, the first suggested link was always the web page that I visited the most and I got used to this great feature.
Is it possible to disable the new domain suggestion system (for example, “Visit ebay.co.uk” shown in the screenshot below) and get the old system back?
Onko mahdollista saada vanha osoiterivin verkkosivusto-ehdotus takaisin Firefox 43: een?
SuperUser-avustaja MC10 on meille vastaus:
I noticed this today as well and played around in the about:config settings. To deactivate the new “Visit website” suggestion system, you will need to change one of the about:config preferences. The value you need to change is browser.urlbar.unifiedcomplete (set it to false).
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