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SuperUser-lukija Daniel Gjika haluaa tietää, kuinka paina "Lisää" näppäimistössä ilman Insert-näppäintä:
I have a Dell Dual USB/PS2 Keyboard with a built-in Touchpad Mouse P/N 0TH827 (see image below), but it does not have an Insert Key. Is there another way to press “Insert” on my keyboard?
Miten painat "Lisää" näppäimistössä ilman Insert-näppäintä?
SuperUser-avustaja Run5k: lla on meille vastaus:
The 0 Key at the bottom of the number pad on the upper-right corner of your keyboard will function as an Insert Key when Num Lock is turned off. That is why it is labeled with both 0 and Ins on the key itself.
Note that the Shift Key can act as a temporary toggle for Num Lock when you press one of the keypad keys (just like the Shift Key acts as a toggle for capital letters). Therefore, when Num Lock is on, pressing Shift + Numpad-0 will function as an Insert Key.
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Kuvauskenttä: Lelong