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SuperUser-lukija Hashim haluaa tietää, onko pikanäppäimellä keskeyttää käynnissä olevan CMD-ikkunan tulostus:
I am in the middle of running a batch script that is taking a really long time and whose output is whizzing by at an unreadable rate. Is there a keyboard shortcut that allows you to pause the CMD console where it currently is so that you can read the output, then restart it again from the same place?
Onko olemassa pikanäppäintä keskeyttämään käynnissä olevan CMD-ikkunan tulosteen?
SuperUser-avustaja Marc.2377 on meille vastaus:
Does your keyboard have the Pause/Break key? It would serve well for pausing the output. Here is an image for reference:
If you do not have that key, using the keyboard combination Control + NumLock should work just the same (according to Wikipedia).
To resume execution/output, just press Enter or the Space Bar.
Image Source: Wikipedia
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Kuvahinta: Hashim (SuperUser)