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Kuva Adikosta (Flickr).
SuperUser-lukija Andrew haluaa tietää, miten tyhjään ja vastamuotoiseen flash-asemaan voidaan käyttää tilaa:
I recently purchased a SanDisk Cruzer CZ36 16GB USB 2.0 flash drive with FAT32 as the default formatting. I need to store files that are larger than four GB on this flash drive, so I decided to reformat the flash drive as NTFS. The flash drive also had some SanDisk SecureAccess software preloaded on it that I did not want. On my Windows 7 system, I right-clicked on the flash drive in Windows Explorer and selected Format. I did a full format by deselecting the Quick Format option.
After reformatting the flash drive, Windows tells me that it is not completely empty. If I right-click on the flash drive in Windows Explorer and select Properties, Windows gives me this information:
Kuinka tyhjässä ja juuri muotoillussa flash-asemassa on tilaa?
SuperUser-avustaja David Schwartzilla on vastaus meille:
This is normal. An “empty” NTFS file system has a number of internal files such as the master file table (“$MFT”), the log file used for file system recovery (“$LogFile”), the volume descriptor file (“$Volume”), and so on.
The largest one is probably the cluster allocation bitmap (“$Bitmap”) that keeps track of the space that is used and the space that is free. This is pre-allocated when the file system is created.
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