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"Cyberwarsin koirat" taidetta Charis Tsevis (Flickr).
SuperUser-lukija minerz029 haluaa tietää, kuinka turvallinen Windowsin leikepöytä on:
I have been using the Windows Clipboard as a method of transferring passwords from LastPass to desktop applications, but have been wondering exactly how secure it is? Can any program access the clipboard at any time?
Kuinka turvallinen on Windowsin leikepöydälle?
SuperUser-avustaja Keltari on meille vastaus:
It is not secure. See the response regarding this topic from security.stackechange.com shared below:
The Windows clipboard is not secure. This is a quote from an MSDN article:
The Clipboard can be used to store data, such as text and images. Because the Clipboard is shared by all active processes, it can be used to transfer data between them.
This should probably apply to Linux machines as well.
Is this a concern? No. For someone to exploit this, they would have had to place malware on your computer capable of reading data from the Windows Clipboard. If they have the ability to place malware on your computer, then you have much bigger things to worry about since there are plenty of other things they can do (such as installing keyloggers, etc.).
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