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Photo courtesy of Nicole Hanusek (Flickr).
SuperUser-lukija meed96 haluaa tietää, kuinka avata hyvin valtava zip-tiedosto, jonka Windows-järjestelmä ei pysty käsittelemään:
I use an online file backup service (Backblaze) and recently got a new computer. Several files on my old computer were too large to move via my USB drive, so I decided to download them from my backup service.
Specifically, the files included three videos for a total of around 20 GB. However, when I proceeded to unzip them, I got the following error message:
Mikä on paras tapa saada meed96 saada valtava zip-tiedosto auki?
SuperUser-avustaja Steven on meille vastaus:
Use 7-Zip (or another zip utility) to extract the zip file.
Not all.zip features are supported by the Windows Compressed Folders capability. For example, AES Encryption, split or spanned archives, and Unicode entry encoding are not known to be readable or writable by the Compressed Folders feature in Windows versions earlier than Windows 8.
Quote Source: Zip (File Format) – Implementation [Wikipedia]
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