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Kuva Daniel Dionnen (Flickr) kohteliaisuudesta.
SuperUser-lukija Seva haluaa tietää, onko mahdollista käyttää kahden tyyppistä DDR3-muistia samalla emolevyllä:
I currently have a stick of DDR3 RAM (1333 MHz, 4 GB) in one of the slots on my motherboard (Asus H61M). Can I use a stick of DDR3 RAM (1600 MHz, 4 GB) in the other slot? I mean, can I use both of them so that I have 8 GB or RAM?
The manual for the motherboard says the following:
The motherboard supports DDR3 memory that features data transfer rates of DDR3 2200(O.C.)/2133(O.C.)/2000(O.C.)/1866(O.C.)/1600/1333/1066 MHz to meet the higher bandwidth requirements of the latest 3D graphics, multimedia, and Internet applications. The dual-channel DDR3 architecture enlarges the bandwidth of your system memory to boost system performance.
If yes, can you provide a link explaining that please?
Onko mahdollista käyttää kahden tyyppistä DDR3-muistia samalla emolevyllä?
SuperUser-avustajat Ramhound ja Alex Atkinson ovat meille vastauksemme. Ensin, Ramhound:
I currently have a stick of DDR3 RAM (1333 MHz, 4 GB) in one of the slots on my motherboard (Asus H61M). Can I use a stick of DDR3 RAM (1600 MHz, 4 GB) in the other slot?
Yes. The faster memory should automatically clock down to 1333 Mhz. Be sure you are running the latest firmware to avoid any issues ahead of time.
The motherboard, and I would assume your CPU, supports both speeds. You could in theory over clock the slower memory, although that might not be worth your time since a 267 Mhz down-clocking will not result in any performance differences honestly.
Seuraavaksi Alex Atkinsonin vastaus:
Yes. As long as both modules are supported by the motherboard, the faster stick of RAM will clock down to match the slower one. Enjoy your 8 GB of RAM.
Also, you do not have to worry too much about breaking your motherboard as long as the memory types match the slots. At worst, it will fail to POST. Use Google to search for ‘Power On Self Test‘ for more.
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