Tämänpäiväinen kysymys- ja vastaus-istunto tulee meille Hyvinkään, Super-käyttäjän, Stack Exchange-jaosta, joka on yhteisöllinen Q & A-sivustojen ryhmittely.
SuperUser-lukija JFW haluaa tietää, onko hän kadonnut jotain tärkeää, koska hän ei sulje tietokonetta kokonaan:
Nowadays with our modern operating systems, is it necessary to fully shutdown computers instead of choosing to stand-by or hibernate computers (desktops and laptops)?
Would there be any side-effects of keeping a computer running continuously without a shutdown (putting it to sleep or hibernating it when it is not used)? For example, hard drive life decrease, system internals (Processors, RAM etc.) aging faster than usual, etc?
Mitä etuja, jos sellaisia on, saatat kokonaan sulkemaan tietokoneesi?
SuperUser-avustaja David Zaslavsky vastaa:
From a software perspective, an operating system and the programs you run on it tend to accumulate all sorts of cruft over extended periods of use – temporary files, disk caches, page files, open file descriptors, pipes, sockets, zombie processes, memory leaks, etc. etc. etc. All that stuff can slow down the computer, but it all goes away when you shut down or restart the system. So shutting down your computer every once in a while – and I do mean actually shutting down, not just hibernating or putting it to sleep – can give it a “fresh start” of sorts and make it seem nice and zippy again.
However, different computers and OS’s are not all equally affected by this phenomenon. Generally, a computer with a lot of RAM can go for much longer than a computer with only a little RAM. A server, on which you just start up a few programs and then let them work, will be fine for much longer than a desktop computer, where you’re constantly opening and closing different programs and doing different things with them. Plus, server operating systems are optimized for long-term use. It’s also been said that Linux and Mac OS tend to run for longer than Windows systems, although in my experience that mostly depends on what programs you use on them, and not so much on any differences between the kernels of the operating systems themselves.
Jos haluat jatkaa lukemistasi tarkemmin omalla asetuksellasi, varmista, että voit tarkastella muita How-To Geek -artikkeleita aiheesta, kuten:
HTG selittää: Pitäisikö sinun sammuttaa, lepätä tai horrostella kannettavaasi?
Tee tietokoneesta sammunut yöllä (mutta vain silloin, kun et käytä sitä)
Pitäisikö minun jäädä kannettavaan tietokoneeseeni koko ajan?
Kuinka tehdä tietokoneesi herätä lepotilasta automaattisesti
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