Onko parempi käyttää Wi-Fi-kanavaa korkeammalla taajuudella?


Onko parempi käyttää Wi-Fi-kanavaa korkeammalla taajuudella?
Onko parempi käyttää Wi-Fi-kanavaa korkeammalla taajuudella?

Video: Onko parempi käyttää Wi-Fi-kanavaa korkeammalla taajuudella?

Video: Onko parempi käyttää Wi-Fi-kanavaa korkeammalla taajuudella?
Video: How To Overclock The Raspberry Pi 400 Up To 2.2GHz! - YouTube 2024, Saattaa

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SuperUser-lukija IAmJulianAcosta haluaa tietää, onko parempi käyttää Wi-Fi-kanavaa, jolla on korkeampi taajuus:

Today I had to call tech support to have my Wi-Fi channel changed because it was using channel 7, but the guy on the phone told me that channel 1 was “less powerful” than channel 11. He suggested that I use channel 11.

Using a Wi-Fi analyzer app, I discovered that channel 1 is the least used one in my building, so I ignored his recommendation and asked for channel 1. Was he right? Is channel 11 better?

Onko parempi käyttää Wi-Fi-kanavaa, jolla on korkeampi taajuus?


SuperUser-avustaja Mokubai on meille vastaus:

Channel numbers do not denote power “levels”, so channel 11 is not “better” than channel 1 simply because it is ten digits higher. Wi-Fi does have overlapping channels though, which means that devices do not “want” to be on a channel that is too close to another nearby station’s channel.

For the best results and interoperability (least interference), there are only three channel choices: channel 1, channel 6, and channel 11. Here is an image showing why:

If there are many networks near your location, then you want to choose the channel which has the fewest or weakest signals. If, as you mention, that happens to be channel 1, then that is the channel you should use.
If there are many networks near your location, then you want to choose the channel which has the fewest or weakest signals. If, as you mention, that happens to be channel 1, then that is the channel you should use.

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Image Credit: Synthesis Studios (Flickr)
