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Kuvakaappaus (gswj) (Flickr).
SuperUser lukija pratish haluaa tietää, miten poistaa vanha Wi-Fi-salasana ja lisätä uusi:
My brother changed the password for the Wi-Fi network I use to connect my laptop to the Internet when he moved to another city. I know the new password, but I am unable to connect to the Internet now because of the previously saved password.
How can I remove the old password and add the new one?
Miten tämä korjaus voidaan ratkaista Wi-Fi-salasanalla?
SuperUser-avustaja BryanC on meille vastaus:
The best way would be to delete or “forget” the network and connect to it fresh. To delete a wireless network connection in Windows 7:
- Open the Network and Sharing Center.
- In the Tasks Pane, click Manage Wireless Networks.
- Right-click on the connection you want to delete, and then click Remove Network.
- In the Manage Wireless Networks – Warning Dialog Box, click OK.
Source: Delete a Network Connection in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 [TechNet – Microsoft]
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